Madras Marauders win Nano Cup 2011.. Read more..

Sep 12, 2009

Requiem for a Dream

Once upon a time, there existed eleven warriors. Now the term warriors might be a bit cliched to you guys out there, but trust me... these guys are and will be warriors for the rest of their lives. Every warrior had something to fight against and if that some thing is common, that is what unites these warriors. Now I can hear you asking " What are these warriors fighting against then??" Well here it is; These 11 warriors, known as Madras Marauders are fighting against conventions. The conventions laid down by someone in the past, who has nothing to do with how things are or how things are going to be. Now I'm forced to narrow down my scope to a constrained domain in human life called sports and an even smaller part in that called CRICKET.

For our other like minded, cricket worshiping individuals,this blog is the best place to be. Have you ever heard of the term "underdogs"? Because we have, and we have experienced being underdogs. "Enough is enough", said our captain and wicket keeper batsman Baptist. "Lets dream of a world", he said, "a world where there's no partiality, where all of us rule". And cricket offered us that chance. Neither boundaries of state or nations(which coincidentally are human defined and are conventional) could not stop the marauders from claiming their rightful and everlasting position as one of the greatest teams in NITC.

They shared just one thing in common. Their love for the game. And they were ready to die for it. And their achievements are ranged at a peak unattainable by human imagination. For example, in the Willow Cup 2009 (the annual cricket championship in NITC), even their No.10 batsman S.Balaji displayed great grit and integrity by hitting a reverse sweep six which helped them seal a game against the still undefeated Spartans during their debut run. This is but just a tip of the iceberg. For knowing more about these undaunting men, who have dedicated and committed their heart and soul to the betterment of cricket in NITC, read on.

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